Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cartilage Piercing

It's my first week back on campus, and my second semester of college is about to begin! Over break, I kicked around the idea of getting my cartilage pierced. My parents were okay with the idea, but I was afraid of the pain so I always ended up chickening out. When I got back to campus, I was talking about it with my best friend Alyssa and she convinced me to do it. So after extensive research, I found a great place in Waco to get it done (Infamous Ink on Lake Air Dr).
I was absolutely terrified, but I can now say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. For any girls out there curious about cartilage piercing, I have a few tips and words of encouragement because if you're anything like me, you need all the encouragement you can get!

  1. Make sure you find a place that uses a needle, NOT a gun. The gun can essentially shatter the cartilage in your ear, which can result in cauliflower ear. 
  2. The best places to go are tattoo parlors. I looked like a fish out of water at the tattoo shop I went to, but the piercers know what they're doing. No offense to the girls at Claire's, but for your cartilage you definitely want someone who has tons of experience.
  3. Bring a friend! Seriously, I wouldn't have gone through with it if Alyssa hadn't come with me. A friend gives you someone to talk to while the piercer is prepping you and can really help ease the nerves. 
  4. As for the pain, I promise it's not bad. The piercer counted down and I expected the worst, but it was just a quick pinch followed by some pressure that's more odd feeling than painful. 
  5. It'll bleed a little bit (or in my case, a lot a bit), which caused me to panic inside, but this is perfectly normal and the bleeding will be over by the time you leave the tattoo shop.
  6. Follow all aftercare instructions! My piercer told me to wash it 3 times daily with soap and water then spray it with Bactine, which is available at a pharmacy such as Walgreens or CVS. This significantly reduces the risk of infection. Don't use any alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. 
  7. Make sure you get it pierced on the side you don't sleep on. It'll be tender for a while and you don't want to be laying on it in your sleep.
  8. Wear your hair up while you sleep. Getting your hair tangled in the back of the piercing isn't fun.
  9. Don't wear any clothing that may rub against the piercing. I wore a hoodie that was tight around the neck the day I got it done and taking off the hoodie was not fun.
I hope this eases any hesitations or uneasiness anyone had about cartilage piercing! I absolutely love the way it looks and the minor pinch was certainly worth it.

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